Michael Jordan’s 1985 Navicular Stress Fracture

As described in the recent Last Dance ESPN documentary Michael Jordan suffered an acute undisplaced fracture of the navicular bone in his left foot in a game against the Golden State Warriors on Oct 29th 1985. The fracture was not seen on plain x-rays, but was identified on a CT scan. He needed to be off the foot for 6 weeks while it healed. The navicular bone has a tenuous blood supply and navicular fractures are notorious for healing slowly – or not healing at all. As a result, Jordan’s team the Chicago Bulls wanted him to miss the entire season. This was unacceptable to Jordan who could not imagine not playing once the foot felt healed. As a compromise he was restricted to playing 7 minutes per half until the 1986 playoffs began.

Fortunately, Jordan was young and healthy, and his navicular fracture was undisplaced so it healed well with no ill-effects from this injury. And the rest is history!

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